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Skincare is a must. But proper and expert recommended skincare according to your skin type. Just slathering anything on your face that you find on store’s shelves without proper knowledge of it can be ruinous to your skin.
So please do yourself a favour and stop doing these damages to your skin.
Petroleum Jelly:
One big misconception in skincare routine of most of the people is the use of petroleum Jelly also known as Vaseline (its most famous brand name) as a moisturiser on their face.
To explain in simple words where does it come from? Petroleum Jelly is basically when crude oil is purified, many by products are obtained like Liquefied Petroleum Gas, diesel and petroleum jelly is obtained by purification of petroleum. So, It may not be as good for your skin as you conceive it to be.
It is primarily an occlusive which forms a layer/barrier on your skin making it difficult to breath. It does not provide moisture to your skin. It rather clogs your pores which can cause acne. If your skin is not properly clean and is having bacteria on it and you apply a layer of petroleum jelly on it, those bacteria will be sealed inside and may cause infection.
So, May be using a hydrating moisturiser according to your skin type will help your skin better rather than using petroleum jelly.
Baking Soda:
Baking soda is one of the products which a lot of people use in remedies for acne and blackheads. But dermatologists strictly forbid its topical use on skin as it can do severe harm to your skin.
Baking soda has a high ph. When applied topically, it alters your skin ph. making it more dry and dehydrated. It strips of essential oils from skin which makes it more sensitive and prone to bacteria.
Also when your skin is lacking its natural oils which protect it, external factors like sun rays may affect your skin more adversely. So, try skipping these remedies with baking soda in them.
Though it is widely used in a lot of homemade skin care remedies, but maybe you should think twice before putting it on your skin as its side effects are way more than its benefits.
Any citrus essence or vitamin C when applied to your skin and when is exposed to sunlight, it may react with sun rays and cause inflammation and sunburn on skin. It can also cause hyperpigmentation on skin leaving it in a mess. In case you want to take benefits of lemon, try having it in a drink.
Also, lemon is acidic in nature. It can irritate your skin and some people may experience dryness. In case you have sensitive skin, it can make your skin extremely irritated and cause redness. So, People with sensitive skin should be careful with lemon application on skin.
Sugar is another domestically popular exfoliating scrub prescribed by the new age, home grown beauty influencers. But sugar, as rough as it looks is not going to help your skin in any way whether your take it in your diet or apply it onto your skin.
Rubbing sugar on your face is not a good idea because sugar particles are rough and are harsh for your skin. They can cause irritation, redness and even cuts on your facial skin. It can also make your skin excessively dry.
So, try using a very gentle scrub which has very fine particle so it doesn’t irritate your skin. Also remember, too much exfoliation can damage your skin, so be mindful of your exfoliation routine.
Lastly, a big myth among many people is if you apply toothpaste on your pimple, it will dry it out and your pimple will vanish. Well, that’s not the case. This is one of the biggest mistake people make to damage their skin.
Toothpaste is composed of calcium carbonate, which is a harsh abrasive. Though it can remove dirt from your teeth, your skin is far more delicate than your teeth. So, applying something which is formulated for a hard surface and has different purpose altogether will irritate your skin and won’t help acne.
So, use toothpaste only for what it is made, i.e. brushing your teeth. And have some mercy on your face.